to attend Vancouver Island Music Academy (VIMA, the Academy) on August 1 – August 16, 2025 in Brentwood College School, Mill Bay, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. The VIMA program may include public performances and permission is hereby given for the students to take part in such performances without compensation. VIMA may use photographs, statements, articles, names, music, art, films and videotapes of/by the students in promoting Academy/Academy related activities, publication, advertising, exhibitions and distribute such recordings in whole and part, without restrictions and limitations, for any educational or promotional purpose that VIMA and those acting on their behalf deem appropriate. I agree that all rights in and to any and all recording made of student’s performances, including all video media audio media, film and photographs shall be owned exclusively by the VIMA. I understand and accept the measures that the VIMA has taken to provide a program of high quality, and I accept that my child will be expected to behave accordingly. The curfew is in effect from 11:00 pm and all students MUST be in their rooms at this time. No visitors are allowed in rooms after 11:00 pm. Unless prior arrangement is made with the Academy, no outside visitors are allowed at any time, and no overnight guests are allowed. Room-check is conducted nightly, and violations are reported immediately to the Directors. Students are not permitted to possess and/or consume illegal drugs. Alcoholic beverages are also prohibited for students under the age of 19. VIMA reserves the right to expel any student for violations of the Academy’s policy without refunding any fees paid. If my child participates in behaviour deemed unacceptable by the Academy or causes any damages to equipment and/or rooms that will require repair and/or an excess cleanup, I am willing to incur the expense of that repair and of my child’s transportation back home. The Brentwood College is a non-smoking location and therefore smoking is not permitted anywhere on the campus or in any building owned by the School, as per the BC Tobacco Control Act which extends to all school property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week regardless of whether or not school is in session. This ban includes vehicles, parking lots, sports fields, driveways, courtyards and private vehicles parked on school property. Should any Academy participant be found smoking (including tobacco products, e-cigarettes and/or marijuana) anywhere on campus, or if any cigarette butts are found on the property, I will be subject to a fine of up to $2,500 CAD (Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars), and any other associated fines as imposed by the governing provincial laws. Fully charged fire extinguishers are available throughout the campus. The Academy participant is to report any use of Fire Extinguishing equipment to The School. If there is a bear on site, please remain calm and talk in low calm tones. Walk back slowly to the closest door / building and alert Administration. If there is a Fire Alarm, please exit the building with all your guests/ students and muster at the top of the fields next to the tennis courts (near Thrifty Foods). The Academy will contact the Parent/Guardian in case of serious sickness or accident. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the VIMA staff to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia or surgery for my child named above, if necessary. I also hereby give the Academy permission to administer medication deemed necessary by the physician selected. I understand that the Academy assumes no liability for injury and accidents that may happen to my child or his/her belongings while travelling to and from home or during our stay in Brentwood College School, Mill Bay, BC, Canada and also while travelling to and from performing venues and to and from excursion destinations. I understand and agree to be financially responsible for all damage to the School I or my child may cause. I understand and agree to be financially responsible for all property owned by the School identified by the School as missing following the event. The Vancouver Island Music Academy and the Brentwood College cannot be held responsible for the participants property due to theft or damage. I understand and agree that as a condition of the participants’ use of the facilities assigned to the Academy, he/she assumes all risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting from any cause whatsoever including but not limited to the inherent risks of the program, breach of contract or breach of statutory, duty of care or breach of the Occupier’s Liability Act on the part of VIMA. The participant agrees that its employees and agents shall not be liable for any such personal injury, death or property loss which occurs outside the program parameters and releases Vancouver Island Music Academy and its employees and agents of all claims with respect thereto. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify and save harmless the Vancouver Island Music Academy and the Brentwood College School, its employees from all claims as a result of bodily injury or death to any person or persons or for damage to property of others arising out of the use of the School’s facility as aforesaid, however caused. All of the above provisions are considered an integral part of this agreement. On behalf of the applicant, by digitally accepting this Terms and Conditions/Waiver, I hereby agree that I have read, understood and agree to the terms stated herein. I, the undersigned, student or/and parent or guardian (if the student is under 18) of (name of the student), AGREE to these terms and conditions, as set out below by selecting "Accept" digitally on this agreement.